
Shabby Apple Giveaway!

Hey Gals!

I have an awesome giveaway for you today from Shabby Apple!
You can win the beautiful "Spanish Steps" dress shown above & all you have to do is:

-Follow Shabby Apple on Facebook
-Follow Gal Meets Glam
-And check out their site HERE and leave me a comment letting me
 know what your favorite item is!

You can have additional entries by:
-Following Gal Meets Glam on Facebook
-Following Shabby Apple on Twitter

Good luck :) & I will announce the winner next Monday!

*The giveaway is for US readers only.

Giveaway CLOSED


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ashleyg said...

My name is Ashley Guerrero and I think the Spanish Steps dress is SO PRETTY! I checked out the site and also love the blue and tan Side Saddle dress, so awesome! I think this just became my new favorite website!! I can foresee many dresses being pinned to my pinterest account! :)

Hannah said...

My name is Hannah Peacock and I think the Rodeo Drive dress is gorgeous and classy! It is modest and sophisticated while still being flirty! That dress would look adorable with pearls and heels. Love it!

Tasha said...

My name is Tasha Brown and I love the Spanish Steps dress. In fact I love all the dresses. So chic and classy! Two things that are a must have for any woman! =) I am following both.

Tasha said...

Oh and I also like gal meets glam on facebook. I have to say if I won I might just cry! Because I NEVER WIN anything! Sooo let's hope this Christmas season some luck comes my way! =)

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pieces from the Shabby Apple site is the Ph.D dress in the Academia section.

amanda @ baci said...

Love, love, love Shabby Apple - I've been swooning over Atlantic Fog for a while now, it's definitely my favorite. . . but Spanish Steps could be a close second ;o) I also like Gal Meets Glam and Shabby Apple on FB and follow both of you on Twitter!!

Imogen Chloe said...

I am in love with this dress, and absolutely loveeeeeee Shabby Apple! If i won this i wouldn't know what to do, such an amazing giveaway!!!!!! My fave item on their site would have to be this dress: http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-964-bellissima.aspx
Anyways i have done all of the above and will be hoping i get a shot at winning!
Imogen xx

Julie said...

Hey Julia!
My name is Julie Rometty and I just have to say that I love the Hollywood Hills dress from Shabby Apple!! Dressing up in lace is so fun, and that dress also has an element of sophistication that you just can't beat! I also adore that Spanish Steps dress- it's so darling! So this is my entry to win! (And thank you for a cute new site to add to my christmas list!) Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Julia! My favorite piece on Shabby Apple would be the AGLOW Brown Boots! I think they are so cute and can be worn not only in the winter but other months as well :

Daiva. said...

Im very picky with my jewellery, but I love the duchess necklace. It reminds me of my grandmother and all of her vintage clothing.

Kristen Tella said...

Hi Julia!
My name is Kristen Tella and I go to the United States Naval Academy. I must say that I absolutely LOVE the "Lost at Sea" skirt. Being in the navy, I am a stickler for anything blue and white, especially if it has stripes. This skirt is perfect for Annapolis, MD (which is where I live) because everyone here is extremely preppy and loves to sail.

I love your blog...I check it daily for cute outfit ideas. and congrats on getting engaged!

Emilee Ryser said...

i really love this dress too cute. I cant pick just one from their site, but I am upset with all the lace dresses. so cute!

Taylor said...

i love the 'top of her class' dress from the academia selection ; i follow you on the blog & i just liked her on facebook!

Taylor said...

now following you on facebook as well as shabby apple on twitter!

Hannah said...

I immediately fell in love with the oh la la dress from the oh la la collection!
I hope I win this!!


Ps. I don't have a Facebook, or a twitter! Sorry

rhayesdineen said...

My favorite dress is definitely the "Grand National" dress from the sidesaddle collection. I'm loving equestrian-inspired things this fall/winter, so it goes perfectly!

Love your blog :)

Mallory Rachel said...

I love the "El Capitan" dress! It so classy & simple!

I follow Shabby Apple on Facebook!
Your blog is adorable! Definitely a favorite!

Mallory Rachel said...

I follow Gal meet Glam on facebook & Instagram!

Leslie said...

Hi I'm Leslie Doyé... I love this Spanish Steps dress! In 3 weeks, I'll be seeing my boyfriend for the first time in 3 months, because I studied abroad this semester. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on something fancy, but I really would love something special and beautiful to wear to the airport for the first time I see him again.

Oh..and I also think the "Lost at Sea Skirt" is adorable. :)

Joanna Lundeen said...

Love the A+ dress—such a simple shirt-dress. It'd be awesome to remix!

Thanks for the giveaway Julia!


Joanna Lundeen said...

I follow them on twitter!


Joanna Lundeen said...

and I liked you on facebook!
thanks again!


Jamie Fillippi said...

I absolutely fell in love with the Primavera dress! I am a sucker for fall colored clothing. I think this dress could easily could be worn in every season with just a few changes of accessories.

I wanna be fierce said...

The Bon Voyage dress is my favorite



Unknown said...

Such a gorg dress!



Paige said...

I'm following you on facebook!

paige said...

& following shabby apple on twitter!

Paige said...

& my favorite piece is the malt shop dress :)

Rory said...

blue side saddle dress ROCKS

Rory said...

following on fb!
rory finn

Colleen said...

LOVE everything on the Shabby Apple site! But the Love Me Do, Sequoia, and Spanish Steps dresses look especially perfect for romping around Europe!

Ariel said...

Hi Julia, I love Shabby Apple's Malt Shop Dress. Thanks for introducing us to this company! :)

Rosie said...

Already follow you and ShabbyApple : )
My favorite item is definitely the Champs Elysees Dress in Navy....gorgeous!

Abby Ramlo said...

Honestly the Spanish Steps dress is my favorite! So Chic and would be perfect for my trip to the Spanish Steps in May! LOVE IT.


Abby Ramlo said...

I follow Gal Meets Glam on Facebook!


Abby Ramlo said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter!


SamRoeEllis said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Facebook.

SamRoeEllis said...

I follow Gal Meets Glam on Facebook.

SamRoeEllis said...

I follow Gal Meets Glam blog.

SamRoeEllis said...

I adore the Madison Ave dress!

SamRoeEllis said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter.

Ashley said...

i like them on fb :) ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com

Ashley said...

of course i follow you! ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com

Ashley said...

lovve the rodeo drive dress. ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com

Ashley said...

like you on fb! ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com

Ashley said...

follow shabby apple on twitter. ashley.theshineproject@gmail.com

Unknown said...

loving the MULHOLLAND dress! Beautiful and simple but great detail:)

Unknown said...

and following you on FB:)

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and I love everything at Shabby Apple :)

BrendaIvette said...

Hey Julia,
The clothing on this site is so cute, Thanks for introducing them to me. I'm in love with the two dresses, "Hollywood Hills" and "Malt Shop" the both so beautiful with their lace details and love the length of these dresses!


Ashlee said...

I don't know what I would choose from Shabby Apple. Everything is so darling.

Ashlee said...

Follow Shabby Apple on facebook!!!

Ashlee said...

Following you on facebook :) love your blog!!!

dani said...

This has always been one of my favorite Shabby Apple pieces! :)

BronsonBloopers said...

I love this dress http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-615-lopera.aspx and swim suit http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-1064-cascata.aspx !!

yelizaveta Sviridova said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yelizaveta Sviridova said...

i love this vintage looking dress, so beautiful! Lost at Sea Skirt is amazingly cute! all their skirts are by the way!!! defiantly putting this website on my Christmas list!

yelizaveta Sviridova said...

i also started following you on facebook!

Danielle said...

Ahh okay so I couldn't pick just one so I tried to narrow it down to my top 5: 1.Casablanca, 2. Side Saddle, 3. Up and Away, 4. Cleopatra, and 5. Spanish Steps (of course!)- I had never heard of Shabby Apple, but they have tons of cute dresses! Thanks for introducing me i just love!
p.s. I liked Shappy Apple and Gal Meets Glam on FB!


Nina Josephine said...

To bad i'm dutch!
But good luck to you all!

Emma K. said...

Already a follower of both! I love so many of the Shabby Apple dresses but I have never actually owned one! I think Spanish Steps would be a great one to begin my collection!

Emma K. said...

P.S. I liked you on Facebook and I am now following Shabby Apple on Twitter!

From Me to You said...

Followed them on FB. Already follow you!! Love your style.

From Me to You said...

Every girl needs a good black dress and I love their BLACK OAK dress.

From Me to You said...

Follow them on twitter

Chloë Eve said...

I love all of their dresses. They are so simple and can work for so many different occasions! Just followed them on Facebook.


Chloë Eve said...

Following them on twitter as well! :)

Melu103 said...

I follow Shabby Apple on Facebook
I follow you love <3
My favorite item is: TAHITIAN WATERS
the ring is amazing!


Melu103 said...

I follow Gal Meets Glam on Facebook <3


rebecca said...

yay! love this dress. and everything from the oh lala collection!
rwvanvoorhis at gmaild ot com

Kate Baird said...

Wow. Shabby apple's clothing is so girly and chic! I especially loved the dresses, but I am a shoe girl at heart all the way so my favorite item that I would love to have is the Tea and Cakes heel. The color, style and overall look screams vintage, flirty fun!

jenna harrison said...

I love all of it. I liked the Kai necklace because I've been looking for a necklace like that!

Emilee Ryser said...

I am following girl meets glam on facebook

Melissa said...

I'm feelin the Andes skirt. I'm definitely needing to get some work clothes since I just got a job. :)

meg said...

Followed girl meets glam on facebook.

meg said...

Following shabby apple on twitter.

meg said...

My favorite item is the blue colorblocked sweetheart dress. It is to DIE for!

Anonymous said...

It was honestly hard to pick something cuter than the Spanish Steps dress! However -the Champs Elysee was definitely my favorite other than that. I spent a week in Paris 2 summers ago and that dress brought me back. It was romantic, sophisticated, elegant and flirty all at the same time. The red heels on the model were PERFECT! What a fun site to have for the future! Following on both. Thanks for your creative inspiration with my wardrobe! (and the red lipstick! ha)

Rachel M said...

I adore the "Tess" skirt!
I think the bow is adorable!
Followed both on twitter and facebook :)

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

ahhh so ecstatic that you're hosting the exact same giveaway that I am this week!! YAY!! Gives me a chance to possibly win the Spanish Steps dress!! My fave!!

follow you!

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

Follow Shabby Apple on fb

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

follow shabby apple on twitter

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

follow you on fb!

now you have the chance to win it right back!
go enter: http://coralcafe.blogspot.com/2011/12/holiday-dress-giveaway.html

Unknown said...

Love love the Mary Jane Watson dress! That collar won me over! With red lips and red shoes....to die for. (following you and Shabby Apple!)

Jacqueline said...

Is it weird that I love the Amalfi bathing suit?! Looks so classic!
Following you and Shabby Apple of FB and Twitter :)

becky said...

l amour is great! love this dress!

Alicia said...

I love the Lincoln Square dress- too cute!


Alicia said...

I follow you via Facebook:)


Alicia said...

I follow ShabbyApple via Twitter:)


Courtney said...

I really like the Le Tour Eiffel dress!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

I follow GMG on twitter :) Love pretty much all their dresses but the lace one is amaz-ing!!


Jessica said...

This is such a great giveaway! I like shabby apple on facebook

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I Follow Gal Meets Glam

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

My favorite item is the lost at sea skirt

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow Gal Meets Glam on Facebook

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I Follow Shabby Apple on Twitter

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Kristal said...

I follow you!

Kristal said...

I follow Shabby Apple on FB. Sincerelyarizona.blogspot.com

Mallory Rachel said...

Thats me! So excited! I emailed you, but just in case it didn't work, here is my email... mallorygardner89@hotmail.com

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