
This past weekend...

I got engaged!!!!
 To the most wonderful man in the entire world! And he gave me the most beautiful ring in the entire world! It was so special and so sweet. I feel so blessed to have found such an amazing person that I can spend the rest of my life with. We are pretty much inseparable, he is my best friend. 
Since I have always had a love for weddings, I have been saving pictures and ideas for quite 
some time! Check out some of my inspiration for my wedding here.

Pin It


Emanuela said...

wow, Congratulations!!! So pretty, have a wonderful wedding!!! :D Giveaway on my blog.

xo Emma

Sheri said...

Soooo excited for you Julia! You are going to make a beautiful bride. Congrats to you and your fiance!!

Jacquelyn said...

Congratulations!! That's a gorgeous ring!


Teresa said...

Just found your blog and I'm in love with it! Congrats on the engagement! The ring is absolutely gorgeous.

love & luxe

Rissy said...

your ring is almost as stunning as you!

can't wait to see what you guys do for your big day.


TheCollegeCouture said...

Congratulations!! I am so looking forward to seeing some posts about the wedding plans.

Wishing you the best!

Candice said...

Congratulations, Julia!! I'm so excited for you!
What a gorgeous ring :)

HeyDahye said...

Wow Congratulations gorgeous!!! That ringg is amazing.


Rachel said...

Congratulations! That is soo fantastic. And that ring - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I'm so happy for you guys!

linds.eliz said...

Yay! That's awesome! Your ring is wonderful :))) I just got engaged two weeks ago, as well! Have fun planning!

fashion kats said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!! Wish you the best!

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...


Rach said...

It is gorgeous! Congratulations!

Shikhu said...

Congratulations!! What great and exciting news, I know your wedding with be quite GLAMorous! I love weddings too, my dream job is a wedding planner! Can't wait to hear once you find a wedding dress! All the best to you and your fiance! xoxo


Francesca-Restyle Restore Rejoice said...

Congratulations! I've been waiting for this post all weekend! Soak it all in! This is a really fun time :)


Urban Nester said...

Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you, Julia! Marriage is the best! Enjoy your engagement!!!


mai said...

Congrats! What a gorgeous ring.

Dani said...

Congrats! The ring is so pretty! :)

PolaBerry said...

Congrats! the ring is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

wow! Congratulations! It's beautiful!

I Art Fashion said...

So sweet, congrats


Unknown said...

Gorgeous ring!! Congratulations!

Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

CONGRATS!!!!! I can't wait to see your wedding inspirations!

Karen said...

Congrats!! That ring is absolutely stunning! You are a very lucky girl! :)


Kasey Lynne said...


You have SO much beautiful things on your pinterest. Enjoy wedding planning!

Anonymous said...

Where is this ring from? It is soo stunning :)

Katie said...

Congrats! Your ring is so beautiful!

The_Leather_Skirt_Blog said...



Anonymous said...

OMG! Congratulations doll, your ring is gorgeous, can't wait to see all about it!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Janell Happ said...

Wowza!!! That is such a beautiful ring! Lucky gal :) cogratulations doll!

Miska said...

Congratulations!! The ring is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see/read all about it :D Your going to make a stunning bride <3

emily rose said...

congratulations! you look so happy <3

Hilary Ayers-Kurtz said...


Abby said...

Congratulations!!! So happy for you! It is an incredible miracle to get to marry your best friend and I'm lucky enough to have married mine as well :) Good luck to you both! Xo


Ashley said...

YESSS!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Marriage is the best!!! :) :) :) youre going to be a BEAUTIFUL bride!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! How exciting. You've got that glow :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Planning a wedding is one of the funnest things ever. Cannot wait to see what you come up with!


Xoxo ☺ said...

Congrats I'm so happy for you!!!! Beautiful ring!!!! Xo

Unknown said...

That ring is amazing. Hope to see a few wedding posts...though I have been married for 5 years now, the planning still is exciting for me.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! That ring is gorgeous. You are going to love being married and will be the most beautiful bride ever!

Along Abbey Road

Chantelle said...

Congratulations !!! You look amazing in these photos and the ring is gorgeous :) Love the second photo of you and your fiance' ;)



Congrats! The ring is gorgeous x


Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Congratulations! The ring is beautiful.


ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

Congrats!!! :)


Cosmopolitan said...

Congratulations, Julia! May God bless more and more both. All my best regards!

... said...

congrats beautiful! That ring is absolutely gorgeous!!! :) So exciting!!

India said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news! The ring is beautiful!

La Petite Olga said...


xx Olga
La Petite Olga

Natali said...

Wooooow!! Congratulations!!! That rock is gorgeous and so are you two love birds :)

Borjana said...

Wow!The ring is fab!Congrats!

Nina Josephine said...


Unknown said...

Wishing you a beautiful couple, very nice ring



Sammie said...

oh woooow congratulations :))
your ring is gorgeous!!
your must be super happy now :)


Oda Pernille.. said...

Congratulations! The ring is so gorgeous:-)

Agnes in Wonderland said...

Congratulations love!!!! :)

ATIVE said...


Johanna said...

Congratulations, beautiful! Your ring is gorgeous :) it's one of the most amazing feelings, to get engaged, isn't it? ;) lots of love to both of you! xoxo

Natalie said...

Congratulations! The ring is stunning :)

Lucia said...

congratulations!! :) The ring is gorgeous :D

allison said...

yay!! congratulations! wedding planning is the most fun (i'm planning my wedding now also!) enjoy every second, i can't wait to read all about it:)

Tilly said...

wow....congrats...very nice ring...Aww:)

Mihaela said...


my blog-follow me♥mfashionfreak

Anonymous said...

congratulations Julia! that ring is gorgeous. I wish you both the best life together :)

Pamela said...

congratulations julia! your ring is TO DIE FOR!!!

Leah said...

Wow, this ring is gorgeous! I hope you will enjoy every minute of your engagement! All the best.

xo L.

Belle de Couture said...

I am SO SO happy for you, Julia! What an exciting time! :) Your man did real well on that ring... super gorg for a gorgeous lady!

P.S. It's so important to marry someone who is your best friend. Next month will be my second wedding anniversary to my best friend, and I feel just as blessed as you! :)



simi said...

How wonderful! Congratulations:) and that ring is indeed perfect.

Ballerina'sBun said...

Oh my god ! Awesome ! Iam sure that you are the happiest girl now in our sweet world ! Congrats ! Xx nadine from ballerinasbun.blogspot.com

FashionFlirt said...

wow congrats!! The ring is just perfect :)


kisses, Jasmin

Secondhand Stella said...

Gorgeous ring. Congrats!

Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

CONGRATS! I already saw the ring on twitter and it left me speechles :) i wish you all the happiness in the world and happy wedding planning :)

Fashion Fractions

Frannie Pantz said...

That is a gorgeous ring! Congrats to you!

Aracely said...

Congrats!!!! So happy for you both! Love all your ideas for the wedding!!

Cara said...

Congratulations Julia!!
xo Cara

jacin {lovely little details} said...

GORGEOUS ring, so so so happy for you!!!!!

Leanne said...

I heard over Twitter :-) ...Congrats! The ring is stunning!

Jenn said...

The ring is beautiful! Congratulations I can be sure it will be amazing!

House Of Jeffers said...

Congratulations! Let the planning fun begin! Much love and luck for the future!


Alizée said...

Félicitations !!!!!!

Katie said...

Congrats!! Very exciting news!

Jasmine P said...

congratulations!! So exciting! :)


Kelsey said...

Congratulations!! The ring is beautiful and you're going to be such a gorgeous bride!
I've been checking out your wedding 'pins' and your wedding will be just fabulous I'm sure :)

Taylor said...

yay! love the ring! congratulations!

Caroline said...

Congratulations Julia!
Lots of love and so much happiness for both of you!

Nora said...


evana said...


Sorcha said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to take a sneak peek at your inspiration board.

Sorcha x
Bonfire Brunette

Anonymous said...

Congrats! And your nail polish coordinates wonderfully with your beautiful ring.


Lindsay said...

How exciting for you! Congrats to you both! Your ring is gorgeous!

Natalie Dressed said...

Congratulations! You must be so excited!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your wedding will be beautiful! Make sure to post pics! <3 Congrats again hehe

Call me M said...

Congratulations! The ring is really beautiful! I'm so happy for you!

Cathy said...

Congratulations Julia! You will be a beautiful bride. I'm so happy you found your prince!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The ring is amazing and you look so happy! Keep us updated on your wedding details! xoxo

Gameday Stylist said...

Congratulations! So exciting ;)

- Sara @ Gameday Stylist

(JIN) Love, Loss & Lacquer said...

congrats darling!

MLA said...

absolutely over the moon for you! the ring is incredible. congrats to your fiance! best wishes planning your wedding

Amanda G said...

that is my ideal dream ring! CONGRATS!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your engagement! Very exciting!


Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

ahhhh congrats!! You have some incredible inspiration to work with!!

annie said...

oh my god!! I was just absentmindedly scrolling down when I saw this post and it made my heart skip a beat :) congratulations!! the ring is absolutely gorgeous and i wish you so much love and best wishes for the future ahead :)

(also can't wait to see how the wedding turns out hehe)


Sharon Lei said...

Awww! Congratulations, Julia! Wishing you a lifetime of love... now, time to plan the wedding. Savor every moment of it.. once the big day comes, it happens so quickly.. you blink once and the day is over. tee hee. Congrats again!!

xx Love & Aloha

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the engagement Julia! you guys looks so happy together and the ring is beautiful! I bet you can't wait for the wedding planning, it is so much fun =)

Ashlee said...

Congratulations on getting engaged!! Your ring is absolutely gorgeous. You will love being married it's the best thing ever!! Congrats again!!


Marissa at Style Cusp said...

CONGRATS!!! Your ring is gorgeous. He did such a perfect job :)


Alexandra said...

Again, CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you Julia!

Alexandra xo


Moon Child said...

Congratulations to you both! Gorgeous ring - he did GOOD!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations hun! Your ring is GORGEOUS!!!! Very happy for you two!!!

MaviDeniz said...

congrats and your ring is sooo gorgeous! I saw one just like it at adlers for like $24,000!


jessica // union shore said...

Congratulations!! You guys are so cute! Keep us posted with all the wedding details.... :)

Arroba Al Aire said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to see your wedding pictures, dress, decoration, everything!
I'm so happy for you :)

Sara B said...

oh my goodness congratulations!!! That is seriously the most beautiful ring ever!! so happy for you two!!

Hristina Stoimenovska said...

Congratulations! :)

Melanie Joy said...

Congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the engagement!! That is sooo exciting!!


Holly Joe said...

Oh wow i must have completely missed this post - Congratulations Julia! You 2 look soo sweet together :)
How exciting! I love your ring too, it's soo gorgeous!!


BrooklynBlonde said...

Congrats, Julia! Your ring is absolutely beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! your ring is so beautiful! Do you mind if i ask where your fiancé got it?

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so beautiful!! Congrats (:

Bethany Cox said...

Hey I just saw your ring on pinterest, clicked on the photo and here i am! Isn't the internet wonderful? Anyway... I am a wedding photographer and I see a lot of rings and this one... IS AWESOME!!! Congrats on a man with great taste!

Hello*Pretty said...

Congratulations! The ring is amazing! Lucky girl! xo,


Leopard Crazed said...

just started following your blog your style is amazing.



Sizzling LEO said...

This all-diamond Engagement Rings is truly gorgeous! The labour behind it (all those precision cutting) is really shining through even with just the pictures!

Unknown said...

Engagement Rings All Women love to wear jewels that make them feel special, and diamond jewelries are always the first choice for them because the charm of diamond jewelries attract them.

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