

Leather c/o Jacket LYLIF, Blazer Nordstrom, T shirt c/o Stylemint, Jeans True Religion, Necklace c/o Spike the Punch, Purse Stella McCartney, Heels Proezna Schouler, Bracelet c/o Oia Jules on Etsy

This weekend my dance team and I travel back down to LA for our dance competition. While I am beyond excited, it also marks the end of my college dance experience. I have danced pretty much my whole life, doing ballet since I was four. Joining the dance at my school was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am going to miss it so much. It's going to feel weird not having work outs every morning, practice until 11pm at night, and games almost every weekend. I'll have weekends where I will actually be able to do things! It's a bitter sweet feeling. I'm also graduating in a month and a half, which just recently became more real when I had to pick up my cap and gown. 
There are so many exciting new changes happening my life and I cannot wait for what the future has to hold. The thing I am most excited about is marrying my best friend. Thomas, you are my world and I love you so much. XO

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Erin at thesparkle.net said...

aw, it's bittersweet but the best is yet to come... just gets better. good luck! x


p.s: digging the white jeans!

Natali said...

Aww, you're so sweet!! The best of times are coming for you!
Change can be/ feel scary, but I believe that there're waaay better things waiting for you than the ones you're leaving behind :)


letiziabarcelona said...

love the leather jacket, plus you're so cute!
I Like your lipstick too!



LEANNE DEE said...

Sounds like you have so much to look forward! By the way, love your outfit. I like how you put the blazer and the leather jacket together, what a great idea! Best of luck with everything!


Sarah Sekaran said...

Love the outfit! I know it's bittersweet to leave something behind, but you have so many great things ahead of you to look forward to! Wishing you the best!


Alyssa May Edwards said...

Aww I totally know what you mean I have danced my whole life and started ballet at 4 as well. I did pom and competed all through high school and decided to stop after I graduated. I didn't know what to do with myself but you will enjoy the down time and actually being able to do things! Its amazing and I can spend more time with people I care about! I love your blog by the way and I wish the best to the both of you! <3



Style-Pursuit said...

Don't be sad about all these things coming to an end now, there are new ones, maybe even more exciting waiting for you out there! :o)

Fabulous combination of colours!


Theodora C. said...

don/t worry you will find things to do,and if your passion for dancing is so big you can always dance even if not in a team,just follow your dreams:)
xoxo Teo
cute outfit


Kultur und Stil said...

that's sounds pretty good to me! I graduated one year ago, and now am in the working world - at least part time because I'm writing a phd thesis. well, about the dancing: I know some people who are dancers at the ballet of an opera house, and you know what they enjoy to do when they don't have training? Pilates - a part from yoga something I really enjoy in the evening after work! Did you try this already? It might be an alternative to the dancing for you!

xxx Anita

Caitlin said...

Such a sweet post. Graduating college is like the definition of bittersweet. So much to look forward to, though!

I'm obsessed with that necklace, by the way.


Kaisa said...

What a sweet post Julia! I wish you all the best and sucess in the future!
PS:You look stunning in this outfit dear!


tania@theclassicteeblog.com said...

Love the look! The necklace is so fun! xx


Kimberly said...

Awww, congrats on all the wonderful things coming your way!! Love this simple casual outfit with the pop of color necklace :)


Anonymous said...

So chic! you could go everywhere in this casual look and stylish look! Good luck in L.A!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Lace And Tulle said...

love your heels!! super cute outfit!

Krystin Lee said...

Cute outfit - the the necklace just makes this pop with color. Love it!
Suburban Faux Pas

Lisa Griffin said...

wow it sounds like you have a lot going on, but all very exciting! good luck and enjoy!
in dramatic fashion

BmoreLoveLeigh said...

Congrats on your upcoming graduation! Enjoy every day - life is good!

amber said...

aw I know what you mean, I danced for 14 year up until I left for college and I still miss it every day. But congrats on being so class to graduating and marrying your best friend! Love love your outfit too especially the pop of color in the necklace!

Unknown said...

Great necklace and I have that shirt and love how you dressed it!


Emily Greenwood said...

Congratulations! You'll do wonderful wherever life takes you!
& good luck in LA

Maca said...

Exciting thing the future! I'm sure it will hold amazing things for you!

Kassandra said...

aww congrats! That will be great for you! Enjoy your weekend!
Also love this look!
<3 Kastles

Malea said...

I love white jeans! They look great on you :)


hannahstiff said...

Great GREAT necklace. And jacket. Gosh I love your blog. XO.
real budget, real busy, real body fashion:

Unknown said...

awesome outfit, love that bright necklace makes the outfit fun
happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your amazing achievements and milestones Julia! Being a dancer myself I know what you mean - I can't imagine leaving it behind. Enjoy every moment of life because college will definitely past by before you know it. Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration to us and I'm confident that there will be even bigger things ahead of you! Best wishes! <3

The Style Moodboard

Unknown said...

You look fabulous! You are amazing!


Unknown said...

That's so exciting! I'm graduating in May as well and it's beyond nerve wracking but I'm looking forward to it as well :)

Best of luck to you!


Stylist Steph said...

Great look and I love your bag! I love the touch of colour from your necklace!


Unknown said...

Love the simplicity of this look, its always nice to dress up jeans and a t shirt with just a few simple accessories.

Congratulations on graduating, I just recently graduated and even though its a little scary, it is so much fun and quite the journey! Can't wait for more posts about your wedding!



Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous! Loved your necklace and your shoes!
Congratulations for graduating! You're so lucky to have found your true love! :)

Call me M @ Do You Speak Gossip?

Mackenzie said...

I love that necklace!

Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

this is such an exciting time. I was in the same situation - dancing my whole life, then suddenly giving it up when i graduated. I miss it all the time, but new adventures and experiences have come my way since that weren't possible when i was a full time dancer! enjoy the last few weeks, it will be hard with finals up ahead, but you won't ever get these last college days back! I graduated in 09 and it is still fresh in my memory

Marisa said...

There are so many wonderful changes happening in your life right now. I understand how it can be bittersweet and exciting at the same time. Embrace and enjoy it!


PS: love the outfit! The monochromatic black, white and gray really makes the necklace pop!

Unknown said...

Wow, sounds so exciting!! Looks like everything is falling into its place really well.


Becoming Refined said...

Love the pop that the necklace adds.

Unknown said...

Just found ur blog, and is really nice :)
love this look! Im a new follower!

come to visit my blog, Ill be waiting for u!


mirel said...

Love your necklace and of course love your Stella McCartne bag !

FashionFlirt said...

Such a nice outfit!

Check out our new post:



Alba - Petit Sweet Couture said...

Cool outfit!!
You have a great blog and your style is amazing!

sip-n-wear said...

Aw congrats on the wedding! You're going to love married life!! ps... love your look!

Ally said...

Dance is an amazing thing to have in your back pocket... I was a dancer since I was 3 and will always carry those life lessons with me as well!


Mimi said...

wow, congratulations on your graduation and upcoming wedding! :D

p.s. i love your outfit!

<3, Mimi
Fashion To Figure Giveaway

naghmeh said...

I will just say that this post made me a bit emotional haha. But congrats on graduation! and getting to marry your best friend, such an amazing year for you :)

naghmeh said...

oh and I completely forgot to say those shoes are amazing!!

Pao said...

I like your outfits and blog a lot!


Mercan said...

i love your blog and your style http://coralsfashion.blogspot.com

Mrs C said...

The chain just brought the outfit a whole new level! great pairing!

Come visit me sometimes :

Cara said...

love the necklace and those shoes!
xo Cara

Penny D. said...

Love the necklace...!!!

Sarah said...

Your dark hair looks so gorgeous with the leather jacket! I really like the bright necklace with this outfit!

Olivia said...

love this look! so cute

Lindsey A. Turner said...

Love your outfit! It's simple yet stylish- my fav!

Lindsey Turner

Ali lev said...

Congrats on all the exciting new changes! I just recently graduated as well and it was very bittersweet but super awesome too :)
Good luck with your dance competition!!
xo, Alexandra


Chelsea **A Bit of Sass** said...

This is my kinda outfit, looks fabulous:)

Traci said...

Love the black blazer, what brand it is from Nordys??!?!

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