
Twisted Ponytail

This ponytail is one of the simplest, quickest hair-dos and
appears a lot more complicated than it actually is.
My mom used to do my hair like this when I was little
and I have been doing it ever since.
Step 1. Put your hair into a low ponytail and secure it.
Step 2. Create a gap in the middle of your hair right above the
hair tie. 
Step 3. Flip your ponytail toward your head and push it through
the gap. Pull it out and tighten.

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Unknown said...

love your hair! looks so cute, i used to do my hair like this all the time when i was little too!


Lyndsay said...

My mom used to do this to my hair when I was little too. :)
Your hair is so gorgeous! Can you please do a post on how you maintain it, what products you use?

Natali said...

Such a gorgeous hairdo! You have beautiful hair :)


Whitney Anderson said...

Love the jacket! Where's it from?

MonochromeMagpie said...

My mum used to do something similar on me when I was younger too! It looks gorgeous with your wavy hair x

Dianna said...


Kimberly said...

I do this all the time on both me & my daughter - simple but looks so pretty! :)


Unknown said...

very cute with the curls. can't stop looking at that blazer though!


fran said...

cool piece baby!


Unknown said...

This is so cute! I often do this as well, practical but pretty!


Ally said...

I remember there used to be a tool when I was really little that helped you do this and a few other crazy hair styles! Glad to see it come back :) My pony tail never looked like yours though... you have great hair for it!


Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

looks amazing; need to try it soon :)


Fashion Fractions

Madame Chic Bcn said...

Looks so simple yet chic!! I'll try it...


Molly said...

Love this look! But WHERE is that blazer from?! It is great!

Jolie Jouel said...

This looks way looser and prettier than what my mom used to do for me! Definitely going to retry it myself :)

My jewelry blog: joliejouel.blogspot.com

Emily said...

so pretty!! I did a hair tutorial a little while back on a twisted fishtail braid incorporating this look!



Trudy Danso said...

looks great!

- True

anita_senorita said...

Nice :)

pretty little things said...

cute! this reminds me of the way I used to wear my hair when I was younger - anyone remember the topsy turvy?? haha


Anonymous said...

So true and so quick too! I have my hair just like yours this morning! ;)

Unknown said...

I remember my mom doing this to my hair too! We called them 'topsy-tails'.

I'll have to give it a go again once my hair grows out.


jenn~the stylish housewife said...

you have THE most gorgeous hair! my mom used to do my hair like this when i was little too! why have i never thought to try it on myself??? love it!

xoxo, jenn
the stylish housewife

Unknown said...

It looks so nice and is so simple .. Love it!! Xx.

Meaghann Bendis said...

your hair is so pretty... and healthy looking! What products do you use? Would love to try them out so my hair is as gorgeous as yours!

Enjoy your blog daily!

Amanda English said...

I remember doing that to my hair!!! =) We had a special little loopy-d-doo tool for it. lol!

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Your wavy hair is perfect for this style of twisted ponytail! I used to wear my hair this way sometimes as a kid but my hair is stick straight so it looks a little less romantic. Maybe I'll have to try doing it after I've run through my hair with my curling iron. Thanks for sharing! :)

Stephanie said...

great tip! i love that your curled your hair and then flipped it. it makes the look so much more elegant and romantic =)

Anonymous said...

So easy and so super cute!

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Megan, TfDiaries.com said...

I remember this in the 90's - I remember begging my mom to do it on me, love.
Xo Megan, TfDiaries.com

Amy said...

I love this hairstyle! Where is that jacket from!


Melanie Liliana said...

yay you kept the blazer! I love the hairstyle!


Care said...

Beautiful!! I remember when my mom would do this too.. Thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

Love this!! I love that you curled your hair to make it look so flowy!


Cassidy Short said...

Simple & elegant!



Unknown said...

looks very classy I love it! =]


Much Love from

Anonymous said...

Pretty hairstyle, very simple and elegant. Love the sleeves on the blazer too!


Unknown said...

Super cute! I just tried the hairstyle myself, and it was just as easy to do as you said!

Brooke du jour

Erin @ Currently Coveting said...

Looks gorgeous! I love how it came out.


ravenlocks said...

Thank you for sharing this! I've always wanted to know how to do this. It looks especially gorgeous with your hair. I don't know if it'll show up so well with mine...hahaha! It might be too dark. I'll try it anyway :)

xoxo Azu


Alissa said...

I sometimes can't do this with my hair because of the curls but seriously you look so gorgeous with this style.

Anonymous said...

So simple yet very stylish! I love how it looks with wavy hair, stunning(:


Anonymous said...

I do this hairstyle too from time to time! I love how loose and "messy" looks here. I'll try it this way next time!

Call me M @ Do You Speak Gossip?

Evann said...

My mom used to do this to my hair, too! Looks beautiful with your wavy curls.


Unknown said...

LOVE this hairdo!! I didn't realize how easy it was. I'll definitely have to try it when my hair gets longers :)


Unknown said...

It looks beautiful with your full hair. I used wear this hair style back in high school. Perhaps I should try it again.


Uncover Fashion said...

Love the hair and the blazer! I remember my mom doing it to me as well! Any recommendations to make it fuller like yours?

XX Alicia


emily said...

Love that blazer - where is it from?

Anonymous said...

I love this hair-do. It is one of my staple looks. I travelled all through Russia with this hair. It looks like I did something fancy but really my tired lazy travelling behind was able to throw it together very quickly! Yay! Thanks for sharing.


Unknown said...

You look beautiful as always! I do my hair like this all the time (to channel my 5 year old self). Another cute thing you can do is twist the pony tail into a bun, kind of like a twisted bun of sorts. I did it on my blog, take a look if you can!
xo Dina


Veronika said...

very pretty!

Gameday Stylist said...

Topsy tail! Love it - looks great with long hair.

- Sara @ Gameday Stylist

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to try this! Love it

Xo, Rachel


Anonymous said...

Cute hair .... and Jacket. Love the leather sleeves!
Just discovered your blog! Now following. Please check my blog out to if you get a chance.


katya said...

wonderl hair!!!

livingchel said...

love the leather sleeves on that blazer

FASHION.chronics said...

lovely hairstyle I have to try it!!!bisous


Anonymous said...

I love this, it looks so pretty <3

Anonymous said...

Love this hairstyle - you are so beautiful. I can't wait for my hair to get a little bit longer so I can try this!
Also, love your Helmut Lang blazer!

Raydene said...

So adorable :) And LOVE that blazer!

Anonymous said...

Love the hair trick! Will try that soon

Melissa Stark said...

What brand is that jacket? It's amazing,

Melissa Stark said...

What brand is that jacket? It's amazing,

Tiffany Leigh said...

Absolutely adore this hairstyle! I'm brand new to your blog. I can't believe how simple this is! I've never been great at hair-dos, but I think even I could handle this one! xo

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